Scientific networks
You can follow me via these networks:
Scientific online networks and search engines
Google Scholar
Scientific journal search engine
Google scholar is the best scientific search engine. You can use it to display all you paper. My Google Scholar page is https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=Te3MRH8AAAAJ&hl=fr
The main research network
ResearchGate is a free social network service for researchers and scientists of all disciplines. It allows semantic scientific research as well as a chronicle of shared files. The site also proposes a public file server, a forum, methodological discussions and groups of exchanges. ResearchGate announces having more than 11 million researchers and scientists in 192 countries.
Professionnal network
Linkedin is not made for scientific, but you can find here a growing number of scientists using it. There are scientific groups and fundings informations and network (EU projects, etc).
dProfessionnal network
Scientific network and reference management
Mendeley is a reference manager software, but it is connected to an online research network similar to ResearchGate.
Another research network
Academia is another research network where we can share paper, discuss, make groups, etc.
Terahertz Community
I manage two Terahertz Community networks with more than 800 members.
Terahertz community Linkedin group
- Terahertz community on Linkedin (2200 members)
Terahertz community Facebook group
- Terahertz community group on Facebook (380 members)
You can use these pages to share terahertz postdoc or PhD positions, present your activity or your THz products.
France Terahertz network