
Nearsence is a DFG projet between Wuppertal University (IHCT Laboratory), Bordeaux University (IMS laboratory) and Unicancer Group Bordeaux (Institut Bergonié). First part of the project was from 08/2015 to 12/2018. Then, this project has been reconducted for three more years.

This aim of this project is to make a near field matrix sensor using SiGe technology. You can see below some article in this framework.

NearSense – Advances Towards a Silicon-Based Terahertz Near-Field Imaging Sensor for Ex Vivo Breast Tumour Identification

This paper present the terahertz near field resonator developed in the framework of Nearsense project and pulse time domain images used to determine the best frequency and design the resonator. Mavarani, L., Hillger, P., Bücher, T., Grzyb, J., Pfeiffer, U. R., Cassar, Q., … & MacGrogan, G. (2018). NearSense–Advances Towards a Silicon-Based Terahertz Near-Field Imaging…

A Solid-State 0.56 THz Near-Field Array for μM-Scale Surface Imaging

We This paper presents a fully-integrated 0.56 THz 128-pixel near-field 1-D sensor array with 10-12 μm lateral resolution. The sensing elements are based two parallel cross-bridged split-ring resonators that utilize a 3-D topology to exhibit high field confinement in the sensing spot. The sensor comprises a scalable excitation scheme that is designed to maximize the…