
HOBIT-a New Concept for Pedagogical Innovations in Learning and Teaching Optics

Presentations of the latest HOBIT developments Martin Hachet (INRIA) presented in Jul 2021 the last HOBIT developments at the 13th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies in Spain (Virtual). You can watch the recorded presentation from the HAL open archive. More details about this publication https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03251807/ Hachet, M., Canioni, L., Guillet, J.…

What is Smartphonics

Origin of this word Smartphonics Smartphones have become ubiquitous objects in the daily lives of students. Rather than using them for entertainment, why not take advantage of this object to impart knowledge, experiment and teach? We use the word Smartpnonics in the context of using the smartphone for education, and not as a smartphone study…